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Fit4Baby - Prenatal Fitness

FIT4BABY® is designed specifically for moms-to-be. Whether you are a first time mom-to-be or have one or more children already, this class is for you! All exercises are carefully selected to prepare your body for the many changes you will experience during pregnancy. You can begin FIT4BABY at any point during pregnancy, as the workouts are scientifically- based, purposeful and designed to accommodate your changing body. The 1 hour long safe and effective total-body workout includes cardio endurance, strength conditioning, core balance, flexibility training and birth prep exercises appropriate for every stage of pregnancy. FIT4BABY classes connect, educate and celebrate this unique and amazing time in a woman’s life. Each class ends with time for meditation and reflection, providing more time for mom to connect with the baby in utero. Weekly themes will educate moms-to-be on health as it relates to physical, nutritional, mental, emotional and joint health. FIT4BABY is sure to build your endurance, strengthen your body and prepare you for pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Your 6 week session includes:

  • Two 60 minute community-based workouts per week in a small group hybrid format via ZOOM or in person classes. Focusing on endurance, balance, strength and labor prep!
  • A weekly Bump Book Journal to document your fitness and pregnancy journey
  • Weekly focus themes, at home challenges, conversations & tips
  • Personal online coaching and access to 24/7 support through a very active private Group Me

Plan details

  • 2 visits per Week for 6 weeks
  • Virtual Workout

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